Nature Food Releases Two New Publications

Research published on July 19, 2021, suggests that without immediate action, an additional 283,000 malnutrition-related deaths in young children are estimated by 2022 – equivalent to an additional 258 children dying per day.  For those who survive, an additional 3.6 million stunted children will be affected by life-long physical and cognitive impairments, and 13.6 million more will become wasted with a high risk of death.   

The Standing Together for Nutrition consortium (ST4N) research, published in Nature Food, projects that an additional 141 million people, on top of the estimated 3 billion, cannot afford a healthy diet due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the proportion of the population that cannot even afford half the cost of a healthy diet in the 63 countries modelled is expected to have increased from 43% to 50% in 2020 since the onset of COVID-19 pandemic. Read the full press release here and watch the video featuring Saskia Osendarp of the Micronutrient Forum and Saskia DePee of WFP below.


Bloomberg Quicktake:


The Lancet Voice Releases a Podcast Discussing the Impacts of COVID-19 on Malnutrition